Resin + Epoxy
How To
Watch this video for an in-depth explanation of our Tips + Tricks for Beginner Epoxy and Resin Workers.
What we cover:
- How to Pick The Right Epoxy
- How to Calculate how much Epoxy you need for your pour
- How much Pigment you should add to achieve different looks and opacity in your pour
- When to swirl your resin to achieve the maximum effect
- How we Machine our pieces once the Epoxy is cured

How to Pick The Right Epoxy:
Consider the Following:
- What is suitable for your project needs
- Low Oder and good for indoor use
- What is the Mix Ratio / Work Time / Cure time / Set to touch time
Calculate your Pour:
CLICK HERE for the formula

How Much Pigment to Use:
There is no right or wrong amount!
Follow these written guidelines to get the look you are trying to achieve or watch our Video for a detailed answer
Cure Time + Shop Temp + When to Swirl
There is lots to consider.
CLICK HERE for all the information
Processing your Piece
- Planner
- CNC Machine
- Router Sled
- Belt / orbital sander